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- Sample our latino cigar package which features the trending cigars.
- Get one of each Romeo & Juliet crafted by AJ Fernandez, Devocion and Devocion Lust with our selected cigar cutter and a T-shirt.
- Sampler has been featured on our blogs and podcasts.
- Receive our cigars quick with on 24-48 hr delivery.
Sample our “I Only Smoke The Good Stuff” package which features High-Quality cigars.
- Get Three Top of the List Cigars starting with The Caldwell Collection, The White Label Sixty, and The Zino Platinum Crown Series with our selected cigar cutter and a T-shirt.
- Not only are you smoking “The Good Stuff” but you can join us by watching our podcast and smoke a key cigar.
- Sampler has been featured on our blogs and podcasts.
- Receive our cigars quick with on 24-48 hr delivery.